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A member registered Mar 02, 2021

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Maybe LAN-multiplayer and make it so that the other player can't see your cards.

Funny but a short game.
Don't you actually think 4 players with 1 keyboard is a bit...
Chaotic and difficult to play with?

(3 edits)

Ah yes another game from my favourite SCP game maker

I just finished the game. It was confusing at first, but I did figure out how to play and what to do pretty quickly.

A few tips: please add a tutorial or explain what the goal is and what you are supposed to do.

Also, the ending was anti-climax. I do get this was a discontinued project but... the ending was sudden.

For the rest, it is an okay parkour game.

They don't have rights, their feelings don't count.

-Literally the SCP Foundation

(1 edit)

Yup, we have to buy it?

I will do

Bruh I thought that the witch did it?

No info on the monsters? Hehe, now I know you didn't really focus on the details.

True, there is not a lot of info over the anomalies, but in the crashed space station you can open some pods and in the facility, you see posters, those posters tell you something about several anomalies or UT's in this case.

And in the crashed space station here is one UT which the Osmosis was going for, the black hole ball. And there are a bunch of other UT's. That might explain why they built an entire facility near it.

The sequel, not a remake or a prequel.

You can open chutes in the crashed satellite if you turned it back online. All of them have some sort of reference, the naked (I think) woman in the first one is referred to later in the unknown facility on a poster with a naked demon-cow-woman.

There is a skull that reminds me of SCP-1123. There is a bottle of cola that reminds me of SCP-207, but it flashes, so there must be more going on there. Those red dogs remind me of SCP-939. There is a tiny Earth.

And there are those scary eyes, I first noticed them from the game files XD 

There are also references to the last game(the first 10-103), and those are the cups, which you can break by shooting at them. 

I have yet to figure out/find the code for the computer.

There definitely are details, like you can open chutes in the crashed satellite where you can see several contained UTs, like the little black hole which the Osmosis was going for before the accident in their facility.

(1 edit)

"Press E to interact"

Actually in this case you had to turn on a generator-esque thing, that was tiny little problem when I played too

Easier than the first 10-103, here you can dodge and run

Wait, is that wall in the weird facility or the satellite?

Where can you find the code?

Null Kelvin=absolute zero= -273°C (Celsius)

Hey, I would like to see an entire squad

Might as well edit your first message and put this in it.


I am starting to think that the protagonist's name is 10-103

Yes! 10-103 is back!

I have no idea :thumbs_up:

what is the music of the game?

just kidding don't search it up and also don't read on  of the last lines about description

I guess this is just a temporarily solution to increase the breach stat

(3 edits)

A few things:
There are only 2 SCPs, please put SCP-173 and SCP-096 if you already put SCP-682 in it, and for research put the cage which can contain SCP-173 and Scramble Goggles for SCP-096. Put more SCPs in it aswell as Safe class SCPs.
About the funds, can you add something more than just "click to get fund", I actually don't know how the Foundation gets their funds but that they get funded by nations. And that you also must buy equipment for your team.
About research, I suggest you can put special containment items like as I said the cage and Scramble Goggles, also weapons. Like that high-tech laserbeam in SCP:SL. You can also research sorts of MTF and eventually lead to the existence of the Chaos Insurgency!
About the breach precentages, that if the precentage is too high that multiple breach occurs, even the % is low, that maybe, just maybe 1 breach will happen.
About the event logs, my event logs got a little bit full after these breaches, I can't click them away, and I accidentally sended some field agents to the already responded events, so they were wasted. So my suggestion is that after it's cleared, make it a different colour/make that we are able to click it away.
Oh and not only breaches, also attacks by Chaos Insurgents, Serpent's Hand, Global Occult Coaltion etc. will be cool too.
That's all for now.

into the hand is death?

good is sun victory snow is bad?

ok star?

smile flag drop hand left??

sun is bomb is bad?

This is actually cool, I directly realised what for SCPs they are:
SCP-096, SCP-173, SCP-682 ,SCP-082 and SCP-610. It's easy to recognize them if you already know the manners and their appearance, these are all detailed written in the game.